
Edits upon edits! 

If you’d like to see a really well made video covering an event I hosted in December click on this link:
This was the first ever FOX WOMENS BMX JAM I held at the Walnut Creek Pumptrack in Austin, TX.

 My talented friend Angie Marino designed the flier turned out awesome!


If you would like to see an impromptu iPhone edit of a women’s weekend event in Cleveland, OH Last weekend, I shot an edited the entire thing on my phone, click here to watch the link (turn it up if you like 80’s hair metal! If not maybe turn it down haha sorry mom)

So that edit was made on the fly, I was coaching at the event and really not able to ride with a shoulder injury so I figured I would make myself useful and try to showcase the fun vibe as best I could for being on the sideline.  

At this point, if you’ve watched both video edits, the first one was done so nicely the quality, production editing and sound was just beautiful. I really owe Fox Head Inc.a major thank you for supporting the ladies and hiring a Filmer and photographer to cover the event.  It just does not compare to what I was able to scramble out on my phone. The female riders are absolutely progressing so much and I feel there needs to be more coverage and events like Fox supported to keep everyone inspired, motivated, aware, and to want to get involved in this movement. 

Between both videos I’m pleased they were are available to showcase the good vibes, and bring excitement to our scene. Here’s a few last pics and clip from rays:

Swarm! Swarm my pretties! Haha  

I hope to see you at the next one!-Nina B